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Friday, August 2, 2024

Video Tutorial: Vector Prime (Transformers Cybertron) using LEGO Creator set 31121: Crocodile

Finally, a Prime!!!


LEGO Creator set 31121: Crocodile  was released in 2021. Upon purchasing the set in early 2022, I started a streak of   building   bad guys Decepticon leaders  using it. Midway, I broke the combo by building an Autobot (good guy)  Grimlock with the set.

In Beast Wars cartoon, Decepticon leader Megatron actually turned into a crocodile/alligator.

Prior to this project, I made Megatron from Transformers: Prime cartoon series using this set (video below).


Few months ago, Hasbro announced a new Vector Prime toy (below,right). Vector Prime was a character from TF:Cybertron (Galaxy Force in Japan) over 20 years ago... and he's one of the 13 Primes in Transformers lore. The first Vector Prime toy was released back then.  (below, left)

The new Vector Prime toy is a heavy retool of Jhiaxus toy , so it doesn't fully flesh out the aesthetics of the Vector Prime as shown in the cartoon, like his sharp codpiece for example (which is totally non-existent in the new toy).  And the new vehicle mode pretty cbunky as well.


Not long after I found out about the news above, I immediately thought I could build a Vector Prime myself! Actually I did, few years ago using another set (video below)

I personally think this is one of my better creations  back then, and deserved more attention/views than it currently accumulated. 


This project started with me  designing , and then flaunting /teasing  Vector Prime codpiece in my Instagram channel a while back. 

The retractable landing gears was the final enhancements to this project.






Regretfully , I failed to align both legs underneath his vehicle mode, causing his feet-cannons not able to shoot straight.






Prepping him up for poses above were challenging, to say the least. He's not the most stable creation I made due to the weak pelvis joints compounded by huge kibble on his back.




While prepping up this creation for video session, I found myself enthralled by him in a different kibble configurations, so I decided to snap a few photos of it.



Thank you for following my video tutorial! 

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