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Friday, August 9, 2024

Video Tutorial: Transformer Perceptor/Microscope using LEGO Creator 31152: Space Astronaut


Yep/.. he is Perceptor alright!


Set 31152: Space Astronaut was released this year (2024). Sensing its potential for many Transformers alternate creations , I quickly unboxed it and built the space puppy model and skipped the other two .

Below is the most recent creation I built using set above , prior to this project


Perceptor is a character from G1 Transformers cartoon series, and he turned into a microscope.

Over the years, I've made a bunch of LEGO Transformers with microscope as an alternate mode, using individual LEGO sets.  Below is the more recent one , prior to this project:

One funny thing is, each time I published a microscope Transformer... I received feedbacks claiming that they're Perceptor (despite me not explicitly mentioned  those creations as him) .

My previous rendition of Microscope Transformers above were average at best, due to their and limited parts offered by the sets used to build them.   


Finally, set 31152 arrived and provided an opportunity to make a better looking microscope in it's typical "sterile" color scheme..... white!  

So I am proud to announce that this time... this is the most Perceptor of all my previous Perceptor-ish creations!



Minor details matter! Notice the clamps to secure the specimen.

You can't believe which part of the creation endured last minute enhancements..... it's the extension of the base at the center to touch the ground, to stabilize the microscope mode.   










Above is an alternative position of the scope. 


scope cannons can be tilted up a bit.



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