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Buy My "LEGO" Transformers designs in Barweer and Amazon.

  I am happy to announce that some of my LEGO Transformers designs have become official products under a few 3rd party building block brands...

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Quickie of the week #2: WIP Sneakpeek

I started working on a new project days after 2013 . I felt a need to build a "bigger" or more epic MOC to end each year  but found last year (or month to be precise) life schedule to be a huge deterrence. To make it up to you guys (ardent blog followers of mine), let me just post a "bit" of my progress so far.

I personally consider my progress to have hit 70% at least. The photo above is just one of the many components  that I have done but I'm pretty proud of the outcome so far (and it's not even the final version, I will definitely tweak it here and there soon). Can you guess what I am building this time? =)

To view more photos revealing even more hints, click on the link below. HOWEVER.... huge spoiler ahead and what you be seeing might be spoiling a bit of  the suprise when my MOC is finally rolled out sometime early next month the latest. 

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