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Buy My "LEGO" Transformers designs in Barweer and Amazon.

  I am happy to announce that some of my LEGO Transformers designs have become official products under a few 3rd party building block brands...

Monday, November 5, 2012

LEGO "Weaponizer" Misfire complete gallery


Misfire  is a targetmaster Decepticon binary bonded with Aimless , a nebulan "human-like" companion that transforms to become his rifle. Although he often misses than hits... as long as he's firing on everything and anything in the battlefield, he's worthy enough to serve as a Decepticon,so they said.

HOWEVER.... when he finally misplaced his weapon (aka his living, breathing companion) in a planet somewhere.., literally condemning the poor soul to his doom, Misfire was  court-martialled for gross negligence.  The punishment would be that he no longer is allowed to carry any weapons at all risking him losing them again. But this is not the end of his clumsy military career. He was given a chance to redeem himself by undergoing extensive weaponization upgrades.. allowing weapons  to permanently bonded to his mechanical body..... so finally....

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Quickie of the week #1: MOC teaser

I don't usually post updates on my WIP (work in progress) because I'm a person of few words.  So its pretty hard for me to describe my WIP in details and would channel most of my free time to keep on building and building. And I don't think many would be interested to know my WIP details either. And usually let the photos do the talking and that usually means the finalization of my MOC.

However.... I'm more and more inclined to post teaser to what you all gonna see soon. So now I'm starting this new segment called "Quickie" (and it's not necessarily on a weekly basis) where I post a single photo of what I'm up to lately. So there =)

Speculate away fellas!

Friday, November 2, 2012

LEGO Predaking Instruction Part 4 - Divebomb

How time flies!

24 hour per day aint enuff for me! I'm in the news again with article pertaining to the firm I'm working in (or to be precise.. a very ambitious e-learning online game). The already mounting pressure is hitting boiling point. Before I forget that I actually have a blog to update, let me just dump a bunch of Divebomb instructions here.

 ps: I'm in the midst of finalizing a new MOC (which took me just a few days to reach 90% completion). Its G1, its red and its possibly my favorite aerial-based transformer vehicle from G1 era. =)
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