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Buy My "LEGO" Transformers designs in Barweer and Amazon.

  I am happy to announce that some of my LEGO Transformers designs have become official products under a few 3rd party building block brands...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

LEGO 70707 Eradicator Mech Alternate Mode

Thic MOC is made from the parts from set 70707 Eradicator Mech . Not only that.... the parts were taken from ONLY the white mech ,leaving the other 2 critters untouched. Actually I plan to make full use of all the parts from this set, but was "intercepted" during disassembly by my spouse to leave the critters alone coz she liked 'em. Ah well.. that's less 100 parts for me to utilise I guess.

I've taken about 2 days over the last weekend to complete this MOC. Just like most of my LEGO-formers , It's fully transformable into a space jet without separation of parts.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

LEGO Springer Instructions.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been a month since I last updated my blog. Woah what I busy month I had...  !  I don't even have time to think of any new LEGO project. (Actually I have a few in mind, but I was stumped trying to visualize the engineering /design in my brain - need more time to sort things out).

During this "uninspiring" downtime, I usually open and play with a few official LEGO sets. (one being Chima 70007 Eglor's Twin Bike ) . Yesterday, I attempted to combine this set with 70003 Eris' Eagle Interceptor to make a Transforming mech , but in vain!

Finally , I decided to fill in the gap by publishing instructions for my past MOCs.

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