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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Video Tutorial: Transformer Two-headed Dragon / G1 Hung-grr using LEGO Creator 31161: Medieval Dragon


What if a Transformer arrived in medieval era? Well, this happened!


LEGO set 31161: Medieval Dragon is a brand new set released  early this year (2025) and I was very excited to start building a Transformer using this set

This set above will be my main focus for the rest of the year, and I finally unboxed it on February 2025, a month after I purchased it. I was very suprised to discover a ton of ball  joints inside the set and I knew prospect will be really, really good for my me .


Recently, I built two Transformers with dragon mode , to make up for last year's lack of any (2024 is the year of the Dragon in Chinese Zodiac), the more recent one is Dragon Megatron from Beast Wars!


This creation was inspired by Hung-grr from G1 Transformers cartoon series , that turned into a two-headed dragon. 

However, since Hung-grr above is the leader of the combiner team Terrorcons  and become the body of Combiner Abominus,  my creation here do not having such ability. 

The tail was totally redesigned one day before I snapped these photos,  after I discovered the ugly gaps between the 2 halves with both ends failed to align and merge properly.

Set 31161 contains very little classic LEGO bricks and slopes for me to build the dragon body. So I ended up stacking  LEGO plates together to form the contour. 


One of the most challenging part of this project was building these beast heads. It's no because of the aesthetics, but they must form stable robot feet that forced me to make some trade-offs, especially the lower jaws.   

My initial idea for the dragon body was implementing futuristic /cybertronian elements like mounting cannons on top of it. But decided to cancel the plan to conserve hinges for other important purposes.

The tail ends can tilt to allow the tip to settle on the ground.

With  another "Hung-Grr" I built recently using LEGO set 31121 (see video on top of this page).


Note how the red panels forming the dragon body  are folded to the back to reveal the robot waist.

The beast hind legs folded up to become robot arms, a  technique I've been using often in my beast-former creations the past one year. 

Tail split into 2 halves to become wings 


I spent alot of time "sculpting" his chest so that the underside of LEGO pieces would not be so obvious. 


His red pelvis gave me  a strong Grimlock vibe. Maybe it's a sign I should built Grimmy using this set in the near future!




I love waist swivel..! It makes alot of cool poses possible!



The following video will have tutorial on how to build this creation, EXCEPT the robot head and dragon forelegs .  

If you're a fan of my works and been following my previous tutorials, you probably have mastered the skills to be able to build the robot head and legs merely by looking at their photos hard enough!

If you wish to get the complete building instructions (in PDF document format) including his robot head,dragon forelegs, please purchase them from my rebrickable page link below. Thank you!

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