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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

LEGO Transformer Rosenbauer Panther 8x8 / Airport Crash Tender


I'm very sure one thing is lingering in your mind right now...


The answer is no.


Few months ago, I took out my LEGO Inferno which was built 10 years ago and oh my .... he looked pretty dated (vid below)

So I guess it's time to build a new fire truck Transformer.  I have always been intrigued with Sentinel Prime's alternate mode from live action movie.  Well, I thought it was a Rosenbauer Panther 
fire truck , which was one of the keywords I used to google to look more more photos of the vehicle.

Only today (yes today), when I am preparing this blog entry.... the vehicle is actually called "Airport Crash Tender"


When I planned the design in my brain few months ago, I always assumed the vehicle has 8 wheels and this impacted how I brainstorm the engineering /transformation would go about (more wheels mean more complexity involved). 

And when I finally started to hit the bricks to build it about 1 month ago ... I discovered the 6 wheel variant existed and that's the variant for Sentinel Prime as well  (Mandela Effect?) . However.. I already started to take a liking to the 8-wheel version.


I actually preferred HRET (High Reach Extensible Turret)  rather than what's shown in the inset photo of the actual  vehicle.

The HRET I applied however... is  slightly shorter than it's real life equivalent, since it will end up as the robot shoulder mounted cannon.

The hollowed rectangle at the rear of the vehicle led to one unintended consequence in robot mode. 


The ladder helps to obfuscate the hinges and joints used in this creation.

The most challenging (and fun) part is designing the front of the vehicle, with the curved white cabin frame and the side mirrors. 

One of the final enhancement to the vehicle mode was actually the blue sirens on its top rear. I kinda overlooked their presence in the actual vehicle until the final hour before I snapped these photos.


The cabin sits two LEGO minifigures with ample headroom. However..... the entry point is not through the side-door.. which is nonexistent!



You might notice the sharp arrow-like noozle on the actual HRET photo . Well that's one of the real-world configuration there amongst many. I have chosen a wider nozzle option since I misplaced my LEGO arrow piece.. (probably) the only piece I owned.


With 3rd Party Movie Optimus Prime aka "Challenger" and Masterpiece G1 Ironhide


The windshield will collapse into the cabin and this means the drivers and passenger gotta escape, quick! 

Vehicle rear panels folded in to become chest plate, and those chestplates look like the one on Optimus Prime , something unplanned for nor desired! (This creation is not destined to become a Prime, remember?)

The HRET can swing both ways (don't laugh) but I decided to have it sat on the right shoulder since his left shoulder is already "decorated" with the ladder.


To prevent him looking  like Optimus Prime.. I have decided not to apply more red on his robot  chest. So while was chosen with some well scuplted gray abs with orange and black on the waist. 


He has a waist swivel but due to how the HRET is mounted in robot mode... the waist articulation feature is limited,unless I retract the cannon and let it rest at the back . 





At this point, I actually regretted on the color choice of the hands. Perhaps something darker , non-gray would look nicer.




Well, I seldom build Transformers NOT using official LEGO sets. And when I finally do, I try to build to the best of my ability. Click below to view more of such creations.

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