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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Video Tutorial: LEGO Transformer Lion from Creator set 31112: Wild Lion


This was the first 2021 set that got me all excited when it was revealed last year, and the reason is pretty obvious...

...ball joints! Tons of ball joints! This set was bought on January last month together with a few other LEGO Creator sets.  However, I decided to schedule unboxing this set on February ,saving the best for last.  I actually was pretty impressed with all 3 main models from this set.

 I spent January (last month) tinkering around with smaller LEGO sets to pass time, and clearing up a few backlogs of last year's LEGO creations and building instructions to some of them.

About this Creation
The idea to build a Transformer Lion was a "lazy" one in my part, since the set is already featuring a Lion as a main model and contain many claw parts as well.  Do consider this as an "appetizer".  I will most likely create other form of beastformers from this in the near future. (at least 2 more!) 

I was torn between using white claws vs dark red ones for the feet. Finally the latter was chosen because they're bigger in size and touch the ground,

Despite the abundance of ball joints, I did not manage to implement a tail for the lion mode and head swivel though.

I planned to retain the white muzzle design from the official main lion model , but later found an even better use for those quarter round tile pieces.

Trying hard to achieve more dynamic poses!


The leg transformation was pioneered few years ago when I was making a Transformer Giraffe 

Robot forearms were unfolded out from the lion body.  

 I prefer to preserve the beast legs instead of coercing* them to become proper robot arms/hands

*This is one of my pet peeve when it comes to most Beast Wars toys with 4 legged modes. The beast legs directly formed robot arms and legs with minimal steps required, taking the fun away in transforming them!

Robot Mode

As mentioned earlier, the 2  rounded white tiles for lion muzzle were sacrificed so that they can become the robot face.   

Despite transforming into king of the jungle, he's a pretty friendly bot .Even his optics flashes a pink glow!

More Poses

He can't turn his head.... guess he just able to look ahead.

His top notch articulations allowed him to scratch his butt, a rare feat even most official Transformer toys is unable to perform (usually due to lack of adequate elbow and wrist articulations!).


Building Instructions in the form of a video tutorial , is located at the bottom of this page. 

Before you get started, please sort your parts according to the photos below. 


Video not showing? Click here please.

Thank you for following my video tutorial! For more building instructions of my previous LEGO creations, click here please.  Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible for you to make a small vulture transformer that can turn into a weapon for this transformer


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